Thursday 4 October 2007

* wtf??? Leapfrogging mayor bruises tomato???


OK, so this was the headline on the main page of the BBC website:

"Leapfrogging mayor injures woman dressed as tomato"


And this was the story:

The whole thing is pretty funny in and of itself, but honestly, when you start to ACTUALLY think about the reality of the situation...

what does it say about the details of the incident and the injuries in her medical notes and her sick line from the doctor...?

what does it say in the accident book for her work...?

what does it say on the insurance claim form...?

what will the report from Health and Safety say...?

how much does she love her job, when she gets to dress up in ridiculous rather than glamorous outfits and get assaulted (a-salted?) (sorry) by minor dignitaries, leading to long-term absence, back injury, and humiliation on a world-wide scale thanks to the report of the whole thing appearing on the Internet...?

And possibly most importantly...
how does anyone involved with this keep a straight face...?!

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