Saturday, 20 September 2008

* Here's a conspiracy theory for you...


And I've only just come up with this one and haven't really thought it through or researched it, so some of the details might be a bit inaccurate, impossible, or sketchy...

... and it's kind of along the same lines as Spike Nesmith's youtube post 'The Spike Nesmith Rage Machine: "Predictions"'

... but here goes, anyway...

This article and its posts are about some of the bizarre stuff going on with regards to the state of John McCain's mental health:

So, anyway, so...

... what if, last minute into the campaign, McCain dies or withdraws through ill-health, taking both him and Palin off the ticket, and the Republicans put up a completely new dynamic duo for the presidential race...?

That way, the Republicans have had the benefit of months and months of Obama and Biden and Demmy-krat bashing (and can blame the more questionable aspects of their campaigning on people who aren't involved anymore)...

... but there's no time left to do even remotely the same to the new Republican candidates...

.. leaving the choices as:
* 2 people who've had the media focused on them for months and so loads is known (true or otherwise) about pretty much every intricate little detail of their lives and families and associates and business
... or...
* 2 pretty much unknown quantities who haven't had mud slung at them or had their skeletons brought out of the closet in public or had every aspect of their lives and families and associates and business dug up and pored over and speculated over and lied about...

If you're the kind of voter who is easily swayed and goes for people over policies, who would you vote for...?


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