Sunday, 28 September 2008
* ahoy-hop
Found this through a link from a webpage and couldn't resist a look...
... pirate hip-hop...!
And it's their second album...!
Love the idea, just not overly sure about spending money on something that I'd probably only use every Sept 19th... I'm a part-time, fairweather kinda pirate, ye see...
Saturday, 20 September 2008
* Here's a conspiracy theory for you...
And I've only just come up with this one and haven't really thought it through or researched it, so some of the details might be a bit inaccurate, impossible, or sketchy...
... and it's kind of along the same lines as Spike Nesmith's youtube post 'The Spike Nesmith Rage Machine: "Predictions"'
... but here goes, anyway...
This article and its posts are about some of the bizarre stuff going on with regards to the state of John McCain's mental health:
So, anyway, so...
... what if, last minute into the campaign, McCain dies or withdraws through ill-health, taking both him and Palin off the ticket, and the Republicans put up a completely new dynamic duo for the presidential race...?
That way, the Republicans have had the benefit of months and months of Obama and Biden and Demmy-krat bashing (and can blame the more questionable aspects of their campaigning on people who aren't involved anymore)...
... but there's no time left to do even remotely the same to the new Republican candidates...
.. leaving the choices as:
* 2 people who've had the media focused on them for months and so loads is known (true or otherwise) about pretty much every intricate little detail of their lives and families and associates and business
... or...
* 2 pretty much unknown quantities who haven't had mud slung at them or had their skeletons brought out of the closet in public or had every aspect of their lives and families and associates and business dug up and pored over and speculated over and lied about...
If you're the kind of voter who is easily swayed and goes for people over policies, who would you vote for...?
Sunday, 13 July 2008
* a book and cover type misalignment
So I got on the bus to go into town yesterday and as it was a single decker it was already fairly busy (even at quarter past 9 on a Saturday morning), so I ended up going right up to the back to be able to get a seat.
As I sit down I become aware that across the aisle are a couple of ned-like individuals... all shellsuits and nasal and hungover and heavily gelled cropped hair plastered to their heads and acne and big ears, and they're already deep in conversation.
[was 'Acne' the 8th dwarf who didn't make it into the final cut of the Snow White story for reasons of ickyness?]
As I come into hearing range and my brain automatically starts to translate the tone and lingo and pace and articulation, I realise what I've just heard...
One of them had made a comment which involved their mate, and picking up a stripper.
* ew *
I know that young men often regale each other with tales of conquests both genuine and exaggerated...
... but * ew *
This is a bus full of families and old ladies...!
This is no place to celebrate the coupling of a greasy sub-educated yet clearly overpaid waste of oxygen with a female who can only be of loose morals and little standards, if that was her customer or her partner of choice...
Oh, just * ew *
And then I realise...
... they're talking about DIY.
Their mate was actually involved in the collection of a device of the steam-based-wallpaper-removing variety.
... oops...
Apologies, boys.
It might say more about me than you that my immediate reaction to your comment was the worst and naughtiest one.
Then again...
You go with what you know - and I've travelled that bus route often enough to know that given some of the parts of town that it travels through, more often than not my first interpretation of the comments would be the right one...
* ew *
Tuesday, 1 July 2008
* is that buzzing coming from the radio...?
With a headline like this, how can ANYONE resist...
"Lorry carrying 12m bees overturns"
This is the link to the story:
"Motorists on Canada's biggest highway ended up with a bee in their bonnet after a truck transporting 12m of the insects overturned.
The lorry was carrying 330 crates of honey bees when it tipped over on a ramp in St Leonard, New Brunswick.
Bee experts were called in to help deal with the accident on the Trans-Canada Highway...The BBC's Lee Carter in Toronto says the bees had been used to pollinate a crop of blueberries, and were being transported home when the accident happened...."
And it's real, it's a real story and not from The Onion or Newsbiscuit or anything...!
Now, I've heard of a threat that involved "a jiffy bag full of wasps" - but a truck full of bees...!? Really...?!
It kind of makes sense when you read the article, but the idea of truck full o' bees is just weird... so is a "bee expert" like a bee wrangler or something like that to round them up once and get them all back in the truck once they've done their a-pollinatin'...?
Do they have tiny wee whips to head 'em up and move' em out...?
Do they have to do a headcount like on school trips to make sure they've not left any of them behind...?
Sunday, 29 June 2008
* pick me (or it's against my human rights...)
Birthday party snub sparks debate
The case has sparked a debate in Sweden about civil liberties
An eight-year-old boy has sparked an unlikely outcry in Sweden after failing to invite two of his classmates to his birthday party.
The boy's school says he has violated the children's rights and has complained to the Swedish Parliament....
Monday, 23 June 2008
* a wee experry-ment
I wonder if this will work from work...
I've heard of "phoning it in", but "emailing it in" is a new one on me...
*** UPDATE ***
So the emailing it in bit works... except that it posts the company standard disclaimer at the bottom... oh well, at least it's an improvement on not blogging at all...!
Sunday, 22 June 2008
* oops...
So I've been completely rubbish at keeping this up...
... sorry...
will try harder...
Am in a better job now, so it should be easier to post nonsense and links to weird stuff again, net-nanny allowing...
I hope...